Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Table & bar charts

The table and bar charts show statistics on the use of information technology, worldwide, in 1999/2000.

The table shows figures for the world and for three regions, the EU-15, the USA and Japan. For the number of PCs, internet hosts and internet users the USA led the way, followed by EU-15 and then Japan. This was true for both numbers and percentages. Only with mobile phones did EU-15 lead the USA, both in numbers and percentages. The first bar chart shows the proportion of people using a PC and the second shows the percentage using the internet, both in 1999. Both charts give figures only for the EU-15. In each graph, the three Scandinavian countries and the Netherlands have the highest percentages. Countries further south have lower proportions, France, Greece and Portugal being in the bottom four in both charts.

The table shows the USA leading the way in terms of PCs, internet hosts and internet users, with Europe ahead regarding mobile phones. The two charts show Scandinavia and the Netherlands having the highest percentages for PC and internet use, Sweden being top in both categories.

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